Excellence is at the heart of everything we do and we strive to always raise the bar of academic excellence through continuous learning, improving our existing processes, updating our facilities and hiring the right set of people to work with us.

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Historically, Queen of Peace Girls' Secondary School, was established in the year 1997 by his Lordship RT. Rev. Dr. Anthony Ilonu of the blessed memeory, the then Bishop of Okigwe Diocese. The school is located at Umueze 1 Ehime Mbano LGA of Imo State. During that period, there was only one community school in the village which was not able to cater for the students academically. In view of this,the Catholic Bishop of Okigwe, his priests and the pastoral council of St. Michaels parish, Umueze1 decided to establish a catholic school to allow the school children grow deep in God's faith and also grow in academic and moral upbringing. The school was then entrusted into the hands of the sisters of the congregation of Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy(DMMM) through the invitation by the then bishop of Okigwe Diocese during the tenure of Rev. mother Mary Paul Offia of the blessed memory. Before the coming of the Mercy sisters, the parish priest in september 1997, already gathered some girls who started attending the school at Umuawuchi-owerre hall. In March 1998, the Mercy sisters came and accepted the challenge to run the school with almost little to nothing. The first principal of the school, Rev. Sister Mediatrix Akujiobi ran the school from Umunakanu on daily basis. After some time, the principal not feeling comfortable with her daily shuttling from Umunakanu to Umueze opted to move the school down to the dilapidated CWO hall. From foreign aids and little local contributions, she was able to renovate the building which served as classroom blocks, hostels and the sisters convent. As the school grows and the number of students increased, the principal in order to make the students comfortable requested some portions of lands from Umuarugo people to expand the school. Her request was granted by some good spirited families of Umuarugo who donated some portions of land free of charge for the building of the school. The school will forever remain grateful for all her donors. With the little proceeds from the school and funds from foreign aids, the principal commenced the building of the classroom blocks. She was able to erect Six classrooms, administrative blocks, science and computer laboratories. The school was later moved to its permanent site at Umuarugo village, Umueze1 after the compleetion of the school building. The history would not be complete without mentioning the unquantifiable support from an illustrious son of Umueze1, an uncommon philanthropist of our time, a man with a large heart, good spirited individual, Chief Tony Chukwu who singlehandedly built an ultra modern hostel for the students and has been the chief benefactor of the school. Daddy, we doff our cap for you. Thanks a million times. To Chief Engr.Uche Onyeji and all our benefactors, we will remain ever grateful. God bless you all richly. Since its inception, the school has recorded five principals viz: Rev. sister Mediatrix Akujiobi(1998-2007), Rev. sister Lydia Okafor(2007-2008), Rev. sister Epiphanie(2008), Rev. sister Bribasil Okorie(2008-2018), Rev. sister Rita Mario Ibeabuchi(2018-till date). The approval to establish and run the school was given by the Government of Imo State Ministry of Education in 1998. Sequel to that was the approval of the school to partake in the writing of the West African Examination Council(WAEC) and National Examination Council(NECO) examinations in 2003.We are proud to witness Seventeen sets of students passing out of our school with execellent results and good moral upbringing.

We are determined to help the young girl become lifelong learners and responsible citizen ready to meet the challenges of the future. We provide safe haven where everyone is valued and respected. Our staff members in partnership with parents and families create relevant opportunities for students(both inside and outside the classroom)that help them to develop knowledge,critical thinking skills, characters necessary to merit current and future challenges to develop social awareness,civil responsibility and personal growth.

We recognised that each child is an individual, that all children are creative and could be reesponsible, that all children neeed to succeed. Thus, our vision is to prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling in them critical thinking skills and respect for core value of honesty,loyalty and modesty. Students are sure of success today and prepared for tomorrow.


Education could be seen as an instrument for achieving socio-economic and technological growth and development of any nation. For one to be educated, one needs to undergo a learning process.One of the most acceptable definitions of learning is that it is a relatively permanent change in behaviour which occurs as a result of experience training or practice,hence the saying, "practice makes perfect or you learn thing by doing it." terms associated with learning Maturation: Mc Meil and Rubin define it as the unfolding of inherited biological patterns that are programmed into individual. Mental set: Chainman defines it as a tendency of behaving in a particular way or predisposition to act in a given way. Readiness: A learner is in a state of readiness to do something when he is physically,psychologically and mentally set to perform the act.

Thanks for reading.
Rev. Sr. Ibeabuchi Rita Mario Ebere(Principal)

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Success Stories

I'm very exicted to have my daughter here. she has become better academically and morally after my husband enrolled her with Queen of peace girl's secondary School

Mrs. Grace Okereke